Thoughts and Truth from the Impossible Life

Why New Iranian Sanctions are a Useless Gesture

Obummer wouldn’t support an Iranian revolt because they are Shia and ALL the others are Sunni. To Sunni muslims, Shia are apostate and not “real” muslims. Once the Sunnis kill off or force convert all Christians and Jews, their next major target is Shias. That is why there remains such issues in Iraq. There is a huge Shia population supported by Iran in a (NOW) Sunni dominated country. (The Kurds are another separate problem in Iraq. As for the sanctions, they are mostly laughing at us as USA sanctions mean nothing to them. And if they want Nike shoes that much, they get them directly from the manufacturing country regardless if Nike is headquartered here. The ONLY thing to be done to be effective is a military strike AND that would be a win-win for the Sunni dominated governments and the Muslim Brotherhood whether we or the Israelis do it because they get a free “strike” as the apostate Shias AND can claim the moral high ground that Israel or the US or the Israelis backed by the US attacked a muslim country. They’d claim the Shias only when it works best for their propoganda and denounce them all other times. One of the big arguments used when ever the very real evils mandated by the quran and islam are discussed is to say that is a “Shia” thing, not real islam. Of course, THAT defense is pure crap, but like someone earlier in this post stated, A lie repeated often enough becomes the (perceived) truth.

December 4, 2011 - Posted by | Politics/Government/Freedom, Understanding Islam, World Affairs | , , , , , , , ,


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