Thoughts and Truth from the Impossible Life

Sleeper Cells in the USA

Family Security Matter

January 26, 2011
Sleeper Cells in the USA

Dave Gaubatz

There is every reason to suspect that we will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right time. I know this from experience.

I have worked over 15 years as a U.S. Federal Agent, a U.S. State Department Arabic linguist, and the first civilian Federal Agent deployed into Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Since returning from Iraq I have been involved in terrorism analysis, specifically the mindset of terrorists. During my extensive research on sleeper cells I have talked with hundreds of people from the Middle East from all walks of life, and have talked with Iraqi Government officials, Iraqi military and Iraqi police officers. In addition I have interviewed numerous counter-terrorism specialists in the U.S. and abroad. In 2006 I trained over 4000 U.S. Law Enforcement officers in Basic Investigative Arabic and counter-terrorism. The conclusions of my research lead to the title of this article.

Before I departed for the Middle East in 2003 I had been assigned to Kirtland AFB, NM. Kirtland has some of the best scientists in the world working on U.S. Government projects. I had been working closely with these scientists who specialized in nuclear energy, directed energy, laser technology, bio-weapons and more. I fully understand the impact if suicide bombers begin progressing from conventional explosives to unconventional methods.

The Middle East

In Jan 2003, I was assigned to Arar Air Base Saudi Arabia. Arar is located near the border of Iraq. My mission was to interact with Saudi military officials in order to determine the support we could expect from the Saudi government, to determine if Iraqis were monitoring the activities of the U.S. forces at Arar, and to infiltrate the encampments of the Bedouin community (Saudis and Iraqis living in the desert of Arar). This involved leaving the relatively safe confines of Arar Air Base and driving to the Bedouin camps.

It was most important the Saudis did not know we were leaving the compound because they had forbidden us to do so. Four U.S. special Agents would use our ATV’s and/or four wheel drive vehicles to conduct these missions. The Saudi Government had active spies collecting information pertaining to our troop strength, our weapons, and any other intelligence they could obtain. The Saudis were providing the intelligence to the Saudi Government, and we were very confident it was also being passed to Iraqi intelligence.

During January 2003 and Feb 2003, Saudi Intelligence officers would boast that the American military was overreacting about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. Their bravery changed as we approached the invasion of Iraq in Mar 2003. The high-ranking Saudi officers were scrambling to obtain gas masks and other protective equipment. They knew their equipment was substandard and they wanted U.S.-made protective equipment. We gave them some of ours. The Saudi Intelligence officers were visibly frightened about a potential chemical, biological, or nuclear attack and expressed their fears.

While in Iraq we determined the following:

1. Russian activity in Iraq had been rampant several months prior to the war and up until the day before the invasion.

2. Iranians were infiltrating southern Iraq by the thousands and were preparing to assist insurgents in removing U.S. forces from Iraq.

3. We found numerous pieces of evidence indicating WMD were in Iraq before the war began and some were still in Iraq.

4. I and other agents were informed by Iraqis that a civil war would erupt and violence against U.S. forces would increase due to the Iranian and Russian influence.

All of this information was provided through intelligence channels, but was ignored. Today we are seeing the results of our intelligence being ignored in 2003.

Vulnerability at home

Upon returning from Iraq I left Federal Service to pursue a career educating U.S. law enforcement in the U.S. I wrote a book titled “Arabic for law enforcement and military”. During my lectures to local, county, and state law enforcement officers it was revealed the true first line defenders in the U.S. are not trained nor prepared to combat terrorism in the U.S. (through no fault of their own). The local law enforcement agencies were not receiving adequate funds or assistance from the Federal Government to fight terrorism. The majority advised they were supposed to be the first line defenders, but in actuality they did not even know what Al-Qaeda meant, and/or could not point out Iraq or Iran on a map. They had no Arabic language training.

I began conducting research and talking with experts from various fields and determined three significant facts that I corroborated by further research:

1. The terrorists groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda each had different leaders and to some degree operated in different ways, but they each had the same two goals (destroy Israel and destroy America and any country that supported either).

2. Our nuclear research centers were very vulnerable to an attack and the potential for a suicide bomber using a dirty radiological bomb from these facilities was and is a high probability. Note: Vic Walter and Brian Ross of ABC News did an excellent report on the lack of security at these facilities. I received an enormous amount of information from individuals associated with Russian nuclear programs that there is nuclear material being sold on the black market and nuclear material is in the hands of Islamic Extremists.

3. Terrorist sleeper cells are located primarily in Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, California, and Canada. The “sleepers” are prepared to conduct terrorist attacks within the U.S., and nuclear material is available to them. “Prepared” in this instance indicates they have the necessary tools to carry out their attacks and are prepared to die.

4. Non profit organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MANA, MSA, and several other Islamic based groups are in actuality simply fronts for Al Qaeda and Hamas. The leadership within these groups receives funds and training from the Saudi government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these groups to operate freely throughout the U.S. and at American’s taxpayer’s expense. Essentially the IRS grants the groups immunity and the authority to train, organize, and prepare for attacks against our country. Why? Because CAIR and other such groups have a confidential informant network much better than even our FBI. CAIR uses contractors such as Corey Saylor (Simple Resolve Company) to place interns into our elected official’s offices, and into organizations such as the IRS.

Terrorist operations are active in the U.S. and are being operated/financed by Al Qaeda throughout the U.S.

U.S. citizens need to understand there are people trained and prepared to carry our suicide missions in the U.S. and nothing are off limits. Churches, malls, and even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missions.

I will continue to research terrorism related issues in the U.S. and Canada and will bring forward the results. Nuclear reactors are located on a large number of major university campuses in the U.S. There locations are not classified and are described on the internet.

Children are the ones who suffer in wartime and I want to prevent any child from ever having to experience a terrorist attack.

In Feb, 2007, I wrote the above article for ‘American Thinker’. I have updated the information for readers. Contributing Editor Dave Gaubatz spent 20 years as an active duty USAF (Special Agent/OSI), 3.5 years as a civilian 1811 Federal Agent, trained by the U.S. State Department in Arabic, and was the first U.S. Federal Agent to enter Iraq in 2003. He is also a counterterrorism counterintelligence officer. He is co-author of the book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America. His websiteis here, and he can be reached at

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October 8, 2012 Posted by | Christianphobia, Constitutional Issues, Islamorealism, Israeli-Palestinian Issues, Politics/Government/Freedom, Societal / Cultural Issues, Understanding Islam, World Affairs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Inside the Muslim mind

There are slogans which call for death to blasphemers, death to America. The strong longing to detest, bringing death and destruction upon oneself or others is deeply embedded in these slogans; the desire to kill the “culprit” not through the application of law but mob justice

What we find today is that it is only Islam and its followers which are privileged to be the focus of the entire world. Islam, though a minority religion of the world is struggling hard to excel all other religions being “youngest” of all the other “divine” religions.

Almost all the Muslims—by and large— maintain similar views on life and the material world yet the Muslims of Pakistan are notorious for their “love for Islam”, while the rightful claimant still remains Saudi Arabia.

The “family” of the Prophet and people from Mecca and Medina has always expressed their superiority over all other Muslims. Since Islam was primarily a religion of the Arab desert, at second place in “prestige” come the other Arab Muslims. The non-Arab Muslims fall at the third place. However, the philosophy of Islam underscores universality which when translated into ground realities assumes the form of “forced occupation” or imperialism. The first lesson of Islam states: “No God but Allah”; a complete negation of all the other religions, beliefs and cultures. Hence, Muslims do not consider other religions as legitimate religions but heresy and desire their elimination. ‘True’ Muslims do not understand that calling adherents of other religions as heretics is a great insult to religion itself. Everybody following any religion considers his or her to be the true, while it is only Islam which deems itself not only the “true religion” it also aspires for the total annihilation of all other religions. This diversion distinguishes Islam from all other spiritual belief systems while it assumes the form of a political religion which endeavours to establish its authority and hegemony all over the world.

When a belief system carries political considerations, it also begins to feel pride in being “true”. This leads to delusions causing aggressive tendencies. To advance aggression one needs material resources, whereas Muslims are deficient in education, scientific and technological advancement as well as political stature. This deficit causes them to become intolerant since all the material, economic and political power is in possession of the West. Hence, the Saudi rulers from the royal family employ all their economic resources and petrodollars to invade the world in another way. The strategy begins with spreading the extremist Wahabi doctrine in Muslim states to accomplish“spiritual occupation”; a goal achieved quite successfully. A large number of mosques and religious schools have been set up propagating Wahabi philosophy presented as “true Islam”. Trousers above the ankles and Arab-style burqas are now very popular in our country while most of the jehadi and extremist organizations belong to the Saudi brand of Islam which also enjoys the backing of our security establishment. The Saudis have also made efforts to pitch all Muslims of the world against the West and followers of all other religions. Hence, it is Islam vs. the rest of the world. Saudi Arabia is actively involved through the advancement of particular beliefs, culture and political objectives. In short, Saudi imperialism is spreading in the name of Islam.

The basic ideology of Islam and the Muslim mindset clearly establishes that there is no pluralism in Islam. And this is the reason why mainstream Muslims cannot live alongside people from other religions and cultures. They consider it against their belief system. They strongly feel that all the non-Muslims are heretics and are involved in hatching conspiracies against them. Such material is written in the Quran and in our text books which we teach our children. Therefore, most Muslims do not consider diversity as indicative of the beauty of nature and humanity and that is the primary reason why minorities live a miserable life in the Muslim countries [often regarded as second class citizens]. Efforts are even made in the Muslim countries to eliminate minorities. Harshest of laws and attitudes exist in Saudi Arabia. It is therefore not possible that the civilized world and the Islamified Muslim world can integrate or even co-exist.

The Muslims foster a strong desire that the whole world should treat them in a preferential way as well as respect Islam while they keep calling every non-Muslim a heretic. They should have the allowance to live their lives according to their beliefs and values while they would not become part of any other religion or culture. They would remain a separate entity, demand separate rules for themselves overlooking the fact that the Western society is no more religious or “divine” in character rather it is driven by humane considerations and is founded on values which mankind has found useful after gaining experience of thousands of years based on rationality and science. On the other hand, the Muslims consider male oriented tribal Arab traditions of the desert as ideal not only for themselves but for the entire world.

A majority of the Muslims do not consider man-made disciplines of any real value. The rights and civil liberties which most Muslims demand in non-Muslim countries do not exist even in their own countries. These do not exist either in Islam, which like most religions happens to envisage an authoritarian, centrist and theocratic state. Here there is no concept of individual freedom. If a single demand of the Muslims is conceded to by a Western country, they would put forth another; till such time that the whole society would divide on the basis of Muslim and non-Muslim. The story would not end here; the next demand would be the establishment of an Islamic state.

Today even if we look at our own society, we find violence and authoritarianism as part of our national psyche. As if the Caliphs still rule the world and we are a super power. This attitude can be gauged by going through the slogans written on banners seen all across the country:

Gustakh-e-Rasul ki saza, Sar tan say juda” or “hand us over the blasphemer”.

The expression “Gustakh” itself is an expression of power. It translates into “How dare you”. Then there are slogans which call for death to blasphemers, death to America, Islam zindabad and kufr murdabad. The strong longing to detest, bringing death and destruction upon oneself or others is deeply embedded in these slogans; the desire to kill the “culprit” not through the application of law but mob justice.

How many heads would roll as the Muslim world is fast losing rationality, humanity and a civilized existence.

Arshad Mahmood is a columnist,freelance writer and a social activist.


Original Article:

October 7, 2012 Posted by | Christianphobia, Islamorealism, Politics/Government/Freedom, Societal / Cultural Issues, Understanding Islam, World Affairs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Jesus in Repressive Islamic Saudi Arabia

Map of the territory and area covered by prese...

Glimmers of Christ’s Light in Darkness of Saudi Arabia
by Carl Moeller
Years ago, an Open Doors field worker introduced me to Rashid (not his real name), a Saudi Arabian student in a Western university who surrendered his life to Christ after his roommate shared the gospel with him.

Excited about his newfound faith, Rashid returned home and shared the good news of Jesus with his loved ones. But he chose a public venue to tell one relative about his decision. A bystander reported Rashid to Saudi religious police, who threw him into jail.

Rashid’s cellmate, Tareq, kept staring at him. At last Tareq spoke: “You’re the man I’m supposed to talk to.”

But Rashid shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’ve been just thrown in jail for my belief in Jesus.”

Tareq, however, pleaded with Rashid: “In my dreams a man was shown to me. It was your face. You have something to tell me.”
So Rashid shared the gospel with Tareq, who eagerly received Jesus into his heart.

Saudi Arabia perennially reigns among the worst persecutors of Christians according to Open Doors’ annual World Watch List that ranks the 50 countries where persecution of Christians for religious reasons is most severe. This year Saudi Arabia ranks third. This nation where Islam was born some 1400 years ago has been closed for centuries to the gospel. Its legal system is founded on Islamic law, and conversion to another religion is a capital crime.

All churches are banned in Saudi Arabia. Saudi religious police have raided Christian services held in private homes and arrested Christians from the Philippines and other countries for worshiping Jesus.

The utter lack of religious freedom in Saudi Arabia was underscored last month by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, who declared the necessity of destroying all churches in the region. This fatwa, a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leader, prompted a Filipino human rights watchdog group to advise migrant workers from the Philippines, many of whom are Christian, to exercise caution while conducting religious activities in their homes.

That same leading religious leader demanded that former newspaper columnist and pro-democracy Saudi activist Hamza Kashgari be tried in Islamic court for three of his posts on the website Twitter. The Grand Mufti deemed as blasphemous Kashgari’s tweets about an imagined visit with Muhammad, the Islamic prophet. The tweets supported the basic human right of free expression.

It’s hard to imagine in our Western society that’s fully wired to the media and the Internet that someone would be hunted for his life for a tweet deemed as offensive to Islam. But Saudi King Abdullah ordered the arrest of Kashgari, who fled the country and sought political asylum in Malaysia. Malaysian authorities, however, deported him to face the Saudi apostasy charges.

Among infamous cases of Christian persecution in Saudi Arabia was a 2008 “honor” killing by a man who cut out his sister’s tongue and burned her to death after he discovered she had embraced Jesus as Lord and Savior. Fatima Al-Matayri, 26, came to faith in Christ through the Internet and posted on blogs about her conversion. The brother who found Christian writings on his sister’s laptop worked for the nation’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. This governmental arm enforces Saudi Arabia’s official stand against Christianity.

In Fatima Al-Matayr’s last post to a Christian blog, she wrote that her family had begun to doubt her commitment to Islam because of an argument in which she decried her lack of religious freedom. The way of Christ is purer than the way of the Messenger (Muhammad), she told them. Her brother demanded she repent of her “blasphemy” against Islam. In the hours before she was martyred for her faith in Christ, she composed a poem encouraging Muslims to let Christ guide and enlighten them.

Last year Compass reported that Saudi religious police, or mutaween, arrested two Indian Christians in an apartment raid following a prayer meeting with other Indians. The mutaween accused them of converting Muslims to Christianity, beat them and pressured them to convert to Islam. The other Indian Christians at the apartment escaped.

Earthly attempts to stop the spread of Christianity can never ultimately detain the work of the Holy Spirit. Often those countries where Christ is most restricted are where He uses supernatural signs, wonders and visions to reveal Himself. That’s one way people are coming to Christ in those countries.

Rashid’s family hasn’t come to Christ yet. His life remains in danger. He continues to pray for the salvation of his family members who may be committed to killing him.

But Christ is building His church, even where He is officially forbidden. And like Peter and John in the Book of Acts, Rashid can not help speaking about what he has seen, heard and experienced through the power of the Holy Spirit.

April 30, 2012 Posted by | Christianity / God, Politics/Government/Freedom, Understanding Islam, World Affairs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments